
Playboy Colour Lens; Favorite Haul of August!

4:18 PM

Specially write one blog post about this new purchase of mine, just to introduce you guys how nice is this product that I used currently! (This is not a sponsored post ok?!)

I always want to find a very comfort lenses, color lenses. And the color lens I wear range from online to retail, from GEO to Freshkon, and I still feeling they not suit me at all. I don't like to wear normal lenses without color, because I think my eyes is quite small. I feel my eyes are bigger (and looks like it has soul haha!) when I wear color lenses. So I keep on trying different brand, and finally I settled down with Freshkon. But still, I still feeling tired and uncomfortable after few hours of wearing. Until 2 months before, I went shopping with my mom and sis in Queensbaymall, Penang. I saw Playboy booth and they are selling contact lenses. I was told that they are having promotion now, and they just produce 3 types of color lenses. I was told that the lenses are very moisture and can wear up to 10 hours per day. After some discussion with my sis, we decided to try the lenses since they are having promotion - 4 boxes cost us 180 bucks, which is 45 bucks for one box of color lens that last for one month. This is quite expensive for us, who are student or earning low income monthly. But we want to give it a try.

Spot the rabbit! Cute hor?!

I bring along it when I travel to Macau and Hong Kong last month and that was the first time I wear it. As a traveler or backpacker, we were out from hotel for almost 12 hours per day to explore the town and city in the country. Surprisingly, I don't felt any uncomfortable after wearing it 10 hours per day! And this really amazed me! I wear it every day, from morning until night, of my whole trip without feeling any uncomfort and itchiness. So I think I should recommend you guys to try this Playboy color contact lens! Although it is quite expensive, but you only have one pair of eyes. Take good care of them, so this is probably a good investment. But I think the eye condition depends on your own, some may find out they suit better on other brand than this one. It was just my personal opinion after all. Anyway, my contact lenses will change to Playboy one from now on haha!

If you're interested, you can go Paris Miki Eyewear @ Queensbaymall, Penang to look for it. And that's the only eyewear boutique that sell Playboy contact lenses in Penang. Or you can online check it out!

Finally I can take pretty photos everyday without spec! Will continue blog about my HK trip next post. Bye and Cya! :)

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