
#20 facts about me.

7:03 PM

So now I am back from holidays. And here is my first post I blog after I back. Why it's not about my Hong Kong trip?! I took about 2k photos and 50 videos using my camera, not included those in my Iphone. I need some time to filter all of them so I guess I will drag the travel posts to blog later and blog this first instead.

Saw everyone posting this #20factsaboutme in instagram, blog, dayre and facebook. I wonder why it is so "hot" recently, and who started this actually?! But it is really interesting to find out some facts and statements about someone that we actually don't know about them. So I was nominated by my cousin, Mii Chell, and so I am here to write the #20factsaboutme. Well, I think I can write longer here compared using Instagram haha! 20 facts is not enough for me, I have 200 facts to write lol.

1.) My name is Yvette Foo. Everyone don't know how to pronounce my name when they first met me, even a teacher who teaches English. People normally don't remember my name even I had introduced myself, but one month later they will remembered my name for their whole life because I am the only "yvettefoo" in this world and nobody will have the same name with me. First because people will rarely use "Yvette" as their nickname and my surname "Foo" is quite rare also.

2.) I am a real shorty. I always told everyone I am 153cm tall, but actually I don't think myself is that tall. But I am sure I am over 150cm. I just don't want to admit that I am shorter that 153cm, and I hate that why I am so short! Because of my height, I can't wear long dress and jeans. I tried all  methods to grow taller (except surgery) but I never grow up since I Form 3 in secondary school. I always wish I was taller.

3.) I love music. I love every musical instruments. I wish to learn harp, cello, ukelele and drum, but the only instruments I learn is piano. I play piano since I am 3 years old and I gave up learning piano when I was grade 8. I was once awarded "Distinction" in my piano practical exam. My passion for piano was degraded when I found out the songs I play for exam are not what I like to play. And now I still play piano, but only play the songs I love.

4.) The size of my feet is 3. I wear size 3 adults shoes. I don't know why my feet is so small, I didn't do anything to prevent it from growing. It is super hard to find shoes that suit my feet. Until now, I do not own more than 5 heels. I wear the smallest size of adults sneakers and still feeling very loose. And I own a pair of Converse sneakers, for children. I wear slippers all the time because I can still walk although the size is big lol.

5.) I love my family, a lot. They will be the my first priority. To be specific, I will always celebrate their birthday every year although they always forget to help me celebrate mine. And I am the one who always plan my own birthday, included my 21st birthday party. Another example, I would used my pockets money I saved to buy things for my family instead of using 10% of it to buy things that I always wanted.

6.) I love my friends. I don't have much close friends. And to me, they are the best friends in the world.

6.) Hot tempered. And I easily get ''pek chek". Words people used to described me: Chili Padi and Cabai Burung. That means very fierce lol. Many people wonder why am I so hot tempered cause I am really petite lol.

7.) I have a cold every morning after I wake up, every day. I must eat medicine everyday, if not I will sneeze whole day.

8.) I got the most volume-less hair in the world. Whenever I go saloon, the hairstylists will said my hair is so thin, so soft and so less wtf. No matter how I tried, I will never have volume hair. So I promised to myself I will never have short hair shorter than my shoulder (at least this 10 years) because short hair makes me looks like no hair lol.

9.) I hate to drink water. But if it is cold water, I will like to drink it. Anything icy, cold or flavored beverages are acceptable for me. I hate water because it don't have any taste lol, although cold water also don't have any taste haha.

10.) Laugh uncontrollably in front of my friends, family and relatives. But very shy in front of strangers. I feel depress if I have to control my laughter lol. Most of my friends think that my laughter and my face expression are funnier than jokes, although I don't think I am funny. But I like to hang out with people who are funny haha. And I always laugh at things that my friends think its not funny at all, but I personally think its very funny lol.

11.) Wish that those adjectives: gorgeous, pretty, beautiful, cool, sexy......can used to describe me. Anything other than "cute", because no matter how I dress up, I am forever cute.

12.) I love to see gorgeous girls more than handsome boys on the streets. And that's doesn't mean I am lesbian lol.

13.) I love to smell my hair. I wish my hair can smell very nice but no (compared to my cousin) haha. I ensure my hair smell good, or at least, not smelly when I go out.

14.) I don't actually cry about my personal things in front of anyone as I grow up. But I am super sentimental. Any movies, scenes, dramas or stories which are touching and I will easily tears and cry, unstoppable.

15.) I usually don't talk about my personal things with my friends, family and relatives. But I love to be their listener and I love when they talk about their personal things to me.

16.) I prefer dessert over main course (rice, meat, noodles etc). I can skip my dinner and having dessert (ice-cream, chocolate etc.) as my dinner.

17.) I admire those who can socialize because I can't. I tried to be a sociable person before but failed. I wish someone can enlarge my social circle.

18.) I love fairy tales very much, because all the stories always have good endings. I always hope everyone, everything will have good endings. But, I am realistic enough to understand that life is hard. But, I still hope. :)

19.) Once when I was in primary school, there were more than 5 boys confessed to me thru letters, notes, messages etc. But now, not even one lol.

20.) The best decision I had ever made in university is become a part of drum team. All the memories are irreplaceable and I cherish the time with all the drummers, every single one of them. And I enjoyed the moment when performing on stage. Luckily I didn't follow my friends joining the society I am not interested. If not, I will regret till now.

So fast number 20 already! Seriously I have more than 20! But leave it, after you met me in real life. Haha! Next post maybe will about my Hong Kong trip, or beauty hauls I bought from HK yay! Oh ya I am doing my HK trip videos...I am working on it hope it will be done soon! Signing off now, bye and do come back for more updates :)

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