
Watermelon Popsicles; Self-made Ice Pops!

5:00 PM

Hello everyone! Welcome back to my blog! Neglected my blog for a long time, even Instagram I also not updating, you can imagine how busy I am. Facing hard time here, and I am trying my best to cope with all things. Perhaps I can share or write out my problems or everything that bothers me next post, as this post should be sharing you guys what I have made!

Before that, I had tried to homemade English Breakfast and a simple Chinese Lunchie. You can read my blogposts here or watch my cooking videos on my youtube channe here! And now is time to come to some desserts! And this is what I decided to made haha...

Today, I will be sharing the Watermelon Popsicle / Ice Pops that I made myself! I love to eat I-C-E. Especially in this super crazy hot weather! One of the best feeling is having a cooling ice pops in summer! Agree no?! Well, I am not that professional yet to made an ice-cream by myself...lol if I can then I am a genius already lol. But ice pops is so easy to made...I believe everyone can made it! Probably you had did it before, or your mom had did it when you're young...but this time a little bit more advance - it's WATERMELON POPSICLES! The outcome looks like a watermelon! Of course taste like watermelon too haha! The making process is not hard at all. You can watch my video below to find out all the simple steps! I don't record the instruction along this time, but I think it's very simple to understand. If you're facing any inconvenience/problem when making do let me know okay? :)

You'll need : Watermelon, Kiwi, Yogurt, Ice-cream wooden sticks, and Ice-cream popsicles stand (which i got it from Daiso with only 5 bucks! Quite reasonable, but if you get more cheaper one at another place do share with me okay?! hehe) And now, you can enjoy your cooling watermelon popsicles!

Thank you so much for watching! Its really hard to make a very quality video. Still, I am trying to do while I don't have any advance equipments like microphone, DSLR camera, lightning rings and other stuffs. Anyway, I hope you guys enjoy this video! Remember to give me a thumb up at my youtube channel, and hit the subscribe (if you want) haha! Happy weekend guys :)

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