
The Red Obsession; Wine Red Skater x Sleeveless Crop Top

8:06 PM

Saw any differences on my recent photos I posted?! If you're following my instagram, then maybe you knew... I pay a visit to saloon last month with Beau, and I had dyed my virgin black hair wine red color! That's how the title of this blogpost came from lol. I first wanted to dye ash grey color, but my hairstylist said that I will look very pale if I didn't put make up on, like everyday. LOL! Then totally, I have no more chance to dye ash color already, cause I am not that type of person who make up everyday. I ain't no time for that. I mean I just will put my BB cushion and draw my eyebrow, very simple step that's it! So, I was recommended for red color, which is not in my choice. He decreased the percentage of color obviousness, and it looks like wine red now. Cool huh?! It's not obvious in indoor, but quite red one under sun or outdoor. I agreed that this color quite suit me. Haha!

Hang out with my babe last weekend, and I was planning to wear this coordinate long time ago (because no chance to wear) haha! White sleeveless crop top from Forever 21; wine red skater from SingxFashion (facebook page); Pink leather bag from Charles & Keith; Shoes from Te Chi Chi. I keep on buying crop tops everytime I saw them, and the crop tops I bought are one shorter than one. LOL! Its very hard to find a high-waist shorts to match with them, so I just settle it up with a skater. Wine red skater pair with pink leather bag, and my red dyed hair... I am having red obsession. I would pair up with red shoes/heels if I have one but too bad I don't lol... Lastly, thank you Dr. Cavy help me took this series of photos! Haha...

 Failed candid shot haha...

My favourite shot! Smile so happy!
And this pose (take a few hair of mine) is my new pose lol.

 Regular pose lol.

Side-view pose.

Again, *take a few hair of mine* and pose! Haha!

Hope you enjoy reading my blog! Will be blogging quite hard one this few days, because I have 4 straight off days start from tomorrow YAY! Tuesday is Wesak Day, and Monday my company shut down so I no need go to work also haha! I also can foresee the coming weekends I will be very very very busy lol. Just keep on viewing my blog I will keep it updated :)

Happy weekend, Happy Wesak Day and Happy Holidays everyone! :)

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  1. so pretty! your hair makes u look so chio! and i love ur coordinate too! :D i dare not wear crop top :/ too fat for it. anyway, check ur email! :D
