
Sugar Honey, Penang; Sweet time with babe Cavy!

11:04 PM

Finally babe Cavy is back in town last weekend! First, congrats babe cause you're officially a Doctor now! So proud of you and many Jit-Sin-High-School-mates! Undeniable, Jit Sin produces many quality students (but not me haha!) I really happy for you babe Cavy, your hard work and effort have finally paid off. And she got a very stable relationship now, and I wish you both live happily ever after! On the other hand, its too bad babe Beau was at Singapore dating with her bf on that only weekend! Argh 3 less 1....it's so hard for 3 of us to meet up! But I also proud of you babe Beau, finally you have your first love in life (do you know that you had been nagging for a real long time before said that you don't have anyone chasing you hahah!) And now she got a really sweet relationship, and I hope it lasts forever! I never met her bf for once, but I would certainly warn him to treat my babe like princess or else... haha okay he's already treating her like queen now lol haha.

Overall, that day was actually a mess. I was driving a huge car to Penang which I don't like because I cant move fast in small lane/lorong *noob driver #firstworldproblem* haha, so I change car with my sis. Then we can't decide which cafe to go, so we keep driving around town area *What to eat is the most difficult question to answer in the world* and finally we settled down in Sugar Honey @ Campbell Street, Penang. I heard some good reviews about their waffles, and wanted to give it a try but I was told that the waffles are still preparing in the kitchen and temporarily unavailable. This is quite disappointing actually, what I think is a cafe should always be prepared to serve any dishes written on the menu. Or maybe, you can remind them when you hand in the menu so that they can make a choice to dine in or no. This is my personal opinion and recommendation, and hope they will aware of this and improve better in future :)

Apart from that, actually the cafe environment is good. Its a really nice place to have a good tea time here alone, or with some girlfriends where you can enjoy the lovely and cozy ambiance and dating without too much noises, if compare to Moustache Houze which just located beside it. Sugar Honey mainly serves desserts, snacks and some juices & coffee beverages. After considering all factors as a whole, this cafe is actually worth a second visit.

They don't have significant signboard which you maybe hard to find where it located.
But I really like the "Sugar Honey" light board!

Spotted my babe Dr.Cavy inside haha!

I love this shot very much! *photography skill improve* haha!
Order and pay at counter first, then food will served later.
There is a self-service desk where you can get yourself cold-water.

Affogato (w/ vanilla ice-cream)
Bitter coffee with sweet vanilla ice-cream, best combo ever!

Carry Me (alcoholic) Best Seller Cake
Personally think that the cake is just normal. It's not too sweet which I really like about it.
But I think it is overpriced for this small portion of cake. Some bonus mark for the drawing haha!

Me, with the LED signboard haha!

Babe Cavy with the signboard haha!

Lastly, photo of us with the signboard haha!

Finally I have time to blog. Just submitted my interim report of my industrial training which I did for few midnights, and I have to work next day early morning. Childhood life better, agree no?! Okay, I think that's all for today, will blog again tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the day after tomorrow tomorrow! I have so much thing to update but so little time! And one thing, which I really love this 3 months where I intern at a company which is so near my house: I finally able to catch up with a number of friends this few months, and I bumped into so many friends, in primary schools (I change primary school when I was young so i originate from 2 primary school haha!), secondary school, university, girl guides, tuition... which I felt so lucky to see all of them again and know how well they were this few years. It always amaze me how fast everything changed.

I would like to make a wish: I hope I able to make a date with every friend of mine this coming 3 months so I can know how are they doing currently. If you're reading this, no matter is my best friends, ex-classmates, hi-bye friends, you-know-me-i-know-you-but-not-talking friends, long-lost friend, not-contact-anymore friends, instagram friends..... I would like to meet all of you... well, this seem to be very difficult to come true as it depends on my "friends", but i hope it works!! If you want to meet me up, do tell me okay?! Not my friend?! Find me on facebook, instagram, or email/comment, we can start to be friend now. :)

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