
#Tekungang Story: Spell This Way!

12:59 AM

What is #tekungang?! What the hell is that?! Okay maybe some of you wonder what is that means... Let me explain to you slowly and all of those start with a story "Once upon a time... I still remember on 1st July 2010, a bunch of new undergraduates are ready to register themselves in Universiti Sains Malaysia. I was arranged to stay in a hostel named "Tekun" and it means "hardworking"... Lol epic lo cause I am not hardworking at all haha! They said we all are arranged to respective hostel according to our birthday. And here I met my new friends, who their birthdays are just few days away to my birthday haha...

We stay at same floor, and considered as neighbor cause we lived just next to each other. So called roommates? Roommates have to stay in the same room, although some of us stay in the same room but not all of us... Floormates? No, there's so much people stay in the same floor... Hostelmates? NOOO, please la all people same hostel also call hostelmates and how I know each of them?! Coursemates?! Oh yeah, we are coursemates, we study the same course but not same major... Why don't have more specific name?! I don't know how to say but our hostel but there's only 4 rooms near to each other, where the 4 rooms share the space and the same bathrooms and toilets. I don't know how I named after it... until I am third year then most of us split up, since the officers rearranged our rooms randomly so we can't stay to each other anymore... And I came up a name #tekungang! "Tekun" means our hostel and "Gang" means a bunch of people.. I knew it is too mainstream everybody is using it like "CG gang" "fajargang" blablabla but whatever la! Who ever stay in Tekun want to join also can ma haha! Very easy to remember... and that's how the name came...

Our members are not much thou, we ain't same with others which are huge gang btw... We consist just and only few of us: Jocelyn, Sheau Jeng, WanTheng, Yuet Ying, Guen, and of course me, yvettefoo! Sometimes I thought getting more friends are better, but sometimes those are only Hi-Bye friends which you will certainly never keep in touch again never share any heart-to-heart things... This can seriously put me down, as I am quite emotional sometimes... And 4 years passed just like flowing river and blowing wind. Time passes so fast making me scare too. And I requested to have a photo shooting session in our university so we can have some photos to save as memories...

I always like to have photos, no matter taking photos for people or people taking for myself. Photos can take anytime but memories are priceless. And as planned, we finally have a proper shoot in a day! Too bad there's an absentee (Guen) who unable to make it that day, but we have to stick to our plan cause no much days left! We also unable to find a photographer to help us, and all we used that day is only my Sony Camera and a tripod stand! Until Jo's current roommates came and help us to take some of our photos! *Thank you so much WanLing!* Surprisingly the outcomes came out not bad, there's almost 500+ in total but I just edit a few... Enjoy our "memories"! :)

There's so much scene to take in my head! All of them know I have the best crazy ideas haha! See, we even take with the golf! But too bad too much mosquitoes...we can't stand anymore so we took some and we run off! Photo shooting is very tiring, cause we have no one to take for us I have to run and set timer and run back pose, and some of the photos can't use cause no right angles or someone blinking eyes blablabla... But all that make up memories for us! Words are not enough to say. Writing and typing can't tell how I am feeling now but I appreciate everyone of you, especially #tekungang. I hope our friendship can lasts, and I wish all of you good luck and all the best in the coming future. And also a letter to all my university friends...

To all of my usm friends,
" It always seems to amaze me how quickly change occurs. I feel like I just met you and now you had to move away. We've done a lot of things that we'll never regret, the good ones or the bad ones, moments I'll never forget. My uni life never the same without you. I'll miss all the times we laughed we cried, all the warmth we felt inside. Although maybe some of us never/seldom talk to each other but I am blessed to have and know all of you in a part of life....

I know things never stay the same again. I pray we'll keep in touch because the past. I hope our friendship lasts. Although our times been short, but I heart you very much. I do wish a smile will come when you think of me. But the time has come to say goodbye. As I end this thought I know there's much more to say, but I'll leave that for another time, another day. I promise you this it's not the end, 'cause like I said you're my friend.

Sincerely, yvettefoo.

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