
#100HappyDays Challenge For Myself!

12:01 AM

"Can you be happy for 100 days in a row?!"
As the world continue evolving, we are now living in a technology era and every minutes every seconds, we are all scheduled to finish our long to-do lists. The speed of life increases, even we have to faster our pace of walk so that we able to chase after the changing world. As the result, there is less and less time for us to enjoy the moment, the environment around you and yourself. Have you ever think that what have you missed?

Have you heard of #100happydays project?! If not you should probably check it out at HERE. It is really a lovely initiative and fun way to help you start appreciating the things that make you happy every day. But most people ended up saying that they don't have enough time as the main reason. They simply did not have time to be happy. Do you?

Absolutely YES! I am ready to challenge myself! I signed myself up to take part and I am starting to post the happy moments from my every day over my Instagram (@yvettefoo), do follow along! :) How about you?!
It is plain simple to take up the challenge follow the steps:
1.) Register yourself in the challenge in : http://100happydays.com
2.) Submit a picture of what made you happy every day via your preferred platforms.
and you're ready to go! 

Submit pictures that made you happy: It can simply be anything from buying a blouse with a super great deal to meet-up with friends, from having a warm chocolate in a cafe to the feeling of submitted the assignment after work thru them without sleeping for few days! This #100happydays challenge is for yourself, not for anyone else. Never show off via your pictures, this ain't the purpose of the challenge, right?

Why would I do that?! Reasons?! Do you need reason to be happy? For me, I just want to become more optimistic, cherish everything around me and spread more happiness to the people around me! What's yours?! When the challenge is over, the #100happydays can always remind me about the happy moments of my life. For that, everyone can receive a little 100 page book with your 100 happy days at the finish line of the challenge! What do you waiting for, let's take up the challenge with me!

My first day of #100happydays challenge!
Grocery shopping makes me happy! *yay*

It seems to be very easy, but it also quite life challenging! I am getting excited and I am starting my first happy day today! Till then, see you at the finish line! :)

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