
January 2014: Knit Sweater x Flower Pants

6:00 PM

It has been quite sometimes already since November 2013, my last photo shooting for my look. Honestly, I am lack of clothes to mix match and take an #ootd photoshoot. My clothes in wardrobe are all just the same, and you probably will see me wear the same clothes again,again and again. Recently I didn't add new pieces to my wardrobe, everyone knew that economic is turning bad everything is much costly compared to before. My purse is burning hole, as I start to buy formal dress code because my internship start in February. So, I don't have much money left to invest in trendy clothes. *Sigh!* Maybe I can start take some #ootd shots of formal wear perhaps? Haha! Chinese New Year is approaching! And this time, I didn't shop for new year clothes. Plan to wear those clothes that bought-but-haven't wear-yet in CNY. When I saw clothes that I like when shopping, I will buy it and keep it but I didn't wear it. Weirdo, but I don't know why, maybe didn't have any important occasions to wear lol. Now, I can wear already haha!

Girls probably like to wear tops that are sleeveless because of the hot weather in our country. But I am more into tops with sleeves, maybe because I don't think my baby fat arms look good. Tops with more coverage on body parts made me feel secured. It doesn't mean that I don't like to wear top without sleeves, don't misunderstanding ya. I actually think sleeveless tops look really sexy and pretty but I always feel uncomfortable because some of them are too revealing for me. And I am afraid of cold, so I always choose top with sleeves. Long sleeves or knitwear can keep me warm all time.

I paired my knit sweater from Forever 21 with a flower pants, which I bought from Bangkok Platinum Mall last year. I don't have much shoes, bags and accessories to go along. I just style with whatever I got. I put little thought and effort into styling this piece but surprisingly they all match perfectly! Agree no? Photo courtesy of my sister, Evon. She got talent in photography! I hope you guys like my pictures! :)

One of my most favourite shot.

Knit Sweater (Forever 21) ; Flower Pants (Bangkok Platinum Mall)
Peach shoes (Te Chi Chi) ; Backpack (H&M) ; Snapback (SingxFashion)

Thank you so much for reading my blog! I hope you guys enjoy reading this and it's not boring for you.  I will keep on learning and improving, taking more quality outfit photos in future. Do leave me a comment about what you think of my look! Do show some support for me by following my blog and my other social media platforms too :)

Instagram : @yvettefoo
Twitter : @yvette_foo
Dayre : dayre.me/yvettefoo

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  1. i love your floral shorts! i think i should go get one too. haha

  2. i like ur top! it match so nice with the floral shorts eh :D

    1. haha...you like every ootd of mine de haha...thanks! :D
