
Family Reunion Lunch, CNY 2014

12:19 AM

Finally, Chinese New Year is only 2 days away! Tomorrow will be new year eve already, are you excited like me too?! I think only child and kids love cny because they can get angpaus and eat good food, while parent don't because they gave angpaus and spend money haha! So I am still consider a kid, I am so excited! *screaming* Many people will sure balik kampung these few days to reunion with family and relatives, so everyone must be careful when driving back home town. Drive safe!

I got an earlier reunion lunch with my family last Sunday @ Starview restaurant. Because this year, "Chor Yat" fall on Friday, and new year eve fall on Thursday, so we decided to have our proper reunion lunch with full members attend at restaurant on Sunday. Daddy, sister and brother are still working till the eve, so we may not have time to eat together. All of my family were in Penang, so we are lucky to have our lunch and dinner anytime anywhere. Anyway, new year eve we will still cook lunch and dinner by our own at home, and wait them back to eat! Hehe... Here we go, our family time...

"Phoon Choy"

Small Abalone.

New year, new beginning. May everything goes smooth, good lucks come and bad lucks go, best of health, wishes come true and life bless all of us!

Wish everyone have a happy and prosperous Horse Year ahead! Happy Chinese New Year everyone!

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