
November 2013; You Only Live Once #YOLO

3:20 PM

Time speed. Its already November peeps! Here I want to wish all November babies "Happy Birthday" included myself! Oh yesh November is my month too! I get excited when my birthday approach, don't you?! I don't know what I am happy about cause it also means I am getting one year older....nah nah nah! I don't get older, I level up! *evil smile* And I am going to celebrate every year! Do what you like! You Only Live Once. #YOLO

Here comes the photoshooting session with my cousie aka supermodel aka my photographer, Miichell in our university! There's so much post dragging so I blog about this photoshoot first, to ease the "hunger" of my readers...*thick-faced blogger* Photos all are edited in black and white with a little mix filter. Personally think that this series of photoshoot carry out better in B&W, as it feel and look much cooler and *SWAG*! Or you all want to see the exact photos with colors?! Maybe will do a video about this shooting as me and Miichell do captures some behind the scene videos and we have lots of photos to share! Edited a few of my photos outcomes, very satisfied with it! No caption along the photos because photos speak louder than words.

NERD shirt: Bangkok Platinum Mall
Black legging: random shop
Vogue Snapback: SingxFashion Facebook
Skull Backpack: H&M
Pink shoes: Te Chi Chi

Am wearing NERD shirt pairing with a black legging, which is ordinary but very comfortable for an outing or just attending classes. Recently love to going out carrying backpack besides my tote bag. It create a boyish look and even level up the whole outfit when pair it with a snapback! I can be both girlish and boyish too! So, do you like my overall outfits photos? Do comment if you love or anything that I can do it better. :)

Thanks for viewing! *blowing kisses* Have a great week ahead!
More updates on Instagram: @yvettefoo, Twitter: @yvette_foo, Imotiv: yvettefoo
P/S: You don't change people's mind by the words you speak, but you inspire change in their hearts by the life you live. :)

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