Tacos Secret Homemade Recipe!

1:57 AM

You know my mum always ask me to cook for her. Yesh cook!!!
And once I got home I sure will cook for my family, just normal dishes I am not pro yet!
But at least can put into mouth, I am not that type who will mis-put sugar for salt haha!
After I involved in International Week food sale, I learnt to cook Tacos! And now its my favourite dishes!

Tacos is a traditional Mexican dish composed of a wheat tortilla folded or rolled around a filling. It can be made with a variety of fillings, including beef, pork, chicken, seafood, vegetables and cheese, allowing for great versatility and variety. Tacos are generally eaten without utensils and often accompanied by garnishes such as salsa, avocado or guacamole, cilantro, tomatoes, minced meat, onions and lettuce.

Generally you can find Tacos served at Spanish bar and restaurants, it is like a kind of snack or appertizer or what we called, Finger Food! Origin from Mexico! Yeah...So now you can made it at home cause you got my secret recipe! Hahaha! Here we go....

Wraps! One pack contain 8 pieces. Personally perferred the wholegrain.
We are doing soft-shell tacos. Heat it on pan for 5 seconds to served hot.
ps: oil is not needed. Just heat it on a frying pan.

Cheese! and Sliced Mushrooms!

For seasoning:
Mayonnaise, Black Pepper, Mexican Chilli, Oregano, Parsley.

Main Ingredients:
Green Pepper (1), Orange Pepper (1), Tomatoes (1), Onions (1), Limes (4-5).
ps: This portion for roughly 8 wraps. For 16 wraps, just double the ingredients.

Cut them into grain size. For those who don't like onions can take it off.
Mix all of the ingredients, and don't forget to add the ***LIMES!!!***
ps: I separated the onions cause I cuztomized one w/o onions for SheauJeng!

Fry the mushrooms with Onion slides, Mexican Chilli, Oregano, Black Pepper.
ps: Just tune the seasoning to your own preference by tasting yourself!

Put the mixed vege and mushrooms on the tortilla, and also Cheese & Mayonnaise!
ps: don't greedy put too much as it will spill out. Small portion but rich contain.

Wrap it and Tah-dah!!!
ps: I used back International Week's photo cause I straight eating them
after I done cooking lol. Its just to delicious I cant even wait a minute
to take picture but eating them lol. Sorry Haha!

Does this help?! Try it yourself! Now anyone can be a chef! Hahahaha...
I have done it 3 times already and my family and friends they love it! Those never eat green pepper will sure love green pepper after this, for sure! And it is HEALTHY! Yeah!
Lastly, congrats me cause I finished my finals and I survived! Although I did really bad on my last paper, hope it don't fail! I don't want retake...*pray hardly*

P/S: 30% exercise. 70% healthy eating. Abs are made in the kitchen not in the gym! So, start eating healthy today! :)

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