Last week of the 5th sem.

10:39 PM

First and foremost, congratulate myself for winning the Best Lover Award of Hollywood!
# Just Kidding! # hahaha!

And here's come the last week of this semester, the 5th semester of my degree study.
Thanks god! This semester I suffered a lot, and I was badluck since this semester began.
This post will be a short one. Will never update recently, just don't have...the blogging mood. Lol.

1.) Doom's day come first, then Christmas! and then a brand new year 2013! What will be on 20/12/2012? Just out of my curiousity, hope its not a normal day but I hope its not the end of the world okay?! Cause we haven't celebrate Xmas and get Xmas presents yet! Haha!
2.) Study week on Xmas and New Year Eve! When everyone is party-ing, we're suffer-ing. JUST NOT FAIR!
3.) One more month, after final exam freedom awaits me! Date me, please... :)
4.) Preparation for coming KungFu Night. Intensive week for the whole week after exam! Yesh, AGAIN! Maybe its the last time for me to join drum team. Got to buy plasters, I can foresee my fingers full with blisters! and sunburn if practice under the sun, or mosquitos bites if practice at night. Nuuu.... >.<
5.) Chinese New Year! Haven't bought any new clothes for new year. I have nothing to wear! NO! #girlsbeinggirls# even their wardrobes full with clothes but still can't have enough to wear. Haha! Actually the truth is, we don't want to repeat wearing the same clothes. Or else will look same with the photos we took before. Agree?! :)
6.) Iphone 5, next target. Like fiiinnnaaallllyyy! Its on booking now. fast are the people on buying those apple stuffs?! Means I have to wait, the next batch. A must to get! And I can update my instagram and twitter more often! Can I keep my blackberry, I love it...I don't want sell it!
7.) Thinking to shutting down my blog. Or private it. Maybe. Or freeze it up. Just emo. I have a lots to blog about...but I didn't have the blogging mood. Haiz!
8.) My camera fell on floor yesterday! NOOOOO! my hearts BREAK! Its filter broke. Got to bring it to check if its all fine. Please... I am so down and sad and camera, my money and its just one month plus! I cry hard. :''(

Lastly, Happy Doomsday, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year in advance!

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