9:52 PM

I guess I had to postpone the Clarke Quay and USS post.
I am sorry. Not updating and not going to update recently.
This semester was not right at all. Everything gone wrong, until now.

When you stand by the person you always care the most, you love the most, like family live together, having the same blood... I thought before I was quiet because I think you can recovered and healed by yourself. But until today, until I think I needed to voice out, sincerely advice you care about you, and I really just want to comfort you help you out, please stop crying and thats enough. What I got payback at last?
I got scolded, not consider your feeling?! and what betray you?! seriously wtf. when did I "betrayed" you. You're unbelievable irrational and totally emotional in all matters! Thats how you treat those who care about you. I am rude, I admit. But what? Its much better than those who say how they love you at first but betray you at last! and he is the one, not me please check this "betray" word out in dictionary.
I never ever look down on you on this matter, when did I please tell me. And now I know that how you looked me?! I know, like finally. I'm expert in this relationship thingy which had lots of experience in dont know how many times of relationship?! Thinking me as a playgirl or bitch or asshole?! WTF! Thats how you looked me huh! Yeah, just call me that I dont even mind it! Seriously I no need to report to you all my things and how many relationship i got before. Is that matter you matter with anyone?! At least, I am not bringing problems to everyone, I beared all myself! And you? Everyday on this earth theres millions of girls hearts got broken. Not only you please. And one point, I wont let the guy hold my hand even touch me if I didnt love him.
From now on I'm not going to care about your fucking business anymore! I am not going to give a damn about it! Just do whatever you want now, go ahead! When you thought you want comfort the person, in turn they treated you as being a kepochi, and think you're bitch/asshole..WTF! And how can you say I betray you...don't you know that I am the one who seriously hate people betray on me? How can you say that...You still don't know how the feeling of hurt, dont you? You havent learnt the lesson, dont you? He hurts you, and you? You're just same. You hurting everyone who love you. I have nothing to say. Whatever and I'm done.

I'm just express hard feeling. Don't ever care about this post okay. Thank you.

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