
A shopping day at IKEA!

5:04 PM

Don't know whether will some of you ever think about your dream house before?! How you want to decorate and design your own dream house?! *I DID* I always want to have my own bedroom (cause I don't have my own bedroom, I share with my sis) that I wanted design with my concept my color and my style. I desperate to have my own bedroom or space when I am young. I didn't tell my parents though cause I knew we are not from rich family, what I got already enough. So, I just dream. And sometimes I drew I drafted my dream bedroom and house. I dream that some day I earn enough money I would buy a new big house for my parents!

But now, I think I have changed my mind a little though. I wanted to have own bedroom so much before, but now I don't think I want anymore. I think sharing bedroom with my sister is a bless, we can have pillow talk before sleep and someone will always there accompany me fall asleep after I watch horror movie! HAHA! *seriously*What I find more interesting is I am now desperate a kitchen! A kitchen that are big enough, self-design with own concept and create a warm place for family to dine in! I love cooking! I want to have a very comfortable and beautiful kitchen to let me cook! *housewife-to-be*

But yet I am still studying, so now I can just dream. I swear I will earn enough money and build a kitchen that I want! So, to satisfy my *cravings*, I have a shopping day in IKEA! There's a lot of designed show room that can inspire you if you are thinking to build your own house. We shopped for concept and inspiration. I ain't buying those furniture now, I just window-shopping haha. You know what, this could really make my day!

Plain white material and concept. Simple yet elegant.

Simple bedroom design with a really impressive make-up mirror design!

Big modern kitchen design with a big table island!

Country-style kitchen, small yet comfortable!

 Meatballs feast! *noming time*
Never miss out the meatballs in IKEA canteen!

Hi there!

Look like my sister found something she want huh!

The garage is so big so *fun time* for me!

*actions!* I am so happy lol.

Never forget to snap #ootd photos for myself!

Grey top and one-piece dress: Cotton On
Pink shoes: Te Chi Chi ; Skull backpack: H&M

Am wearing spec cause I am lazy to wear contacts! I wear spec look okay too right?! Haha! And yeah, I love my wavy hair so much! Don't you think I look good with it?! And it play a styling role in my #ootd outfits! FYI, I permed my hair with only 100 bucks! Yet I am so satisfied the result, and now gonna have some colors on it! Yay or nay?! *please yay* haha and bye for now! Coming up next will be the #YOLO photoshoot with my super model cousie in USM! *Stay tuned*

P/S: The best way to be happy is to expect nothing and appreciate everything. :)

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  1. hahah ur peace colour shoe really same as mine !

    i oso can shop in IKEA for whole day hahahha! hv fun! but the price T.T
    i wil note all down n DIY next time for my house! haha
