
Monthly Update: February 2017

11:13 PM

Not sure who are reading this, but I just want to thank you for dropping by. This meant a lot to me. Looking few years back, the stats was quite high when I keep this space continuous update about the foodplace, sharing the experience about the cafe I went with my crime partner. But I turned this space down after I started working due to I can't find the balance point between work and life.

Anyhow, I am back here. Got to keep my fire burning! I hope my blog contents are not boring you all. Shall update other contents soon like travels, foodies, beauty junkies, etc other than lifestyle. So, please do often visit here or dropping by.

How's my February went?
The most girl awaited - Valentine's Day! I usually don't celebrate this, just like when we are single we do not celebrate valentine's day right... I am so grateful my soulmate surprised me with this. Real flowers would cost much higher, but this gift doesn't cost any lower - priceless. Thank you so much, this is beautiful! Thank you for everything.

My friend had finally started up her small business with her partner - Homemade spread! There's so many different and unique flavor for you to choose, and personally she recommend this Uji Matcha Chocolate Spread! It s so difficult to find a matcha spread here in Malaysia, thanks Honest Food finally got us cover!

Homemade recipe healthy spread, suitable for kids and especially the working adult who always wake up late! Best pair with bread - easy, delicious and quick breakfast in less than 1 minutes. Try their other unique flavor - dragonfruit, passionfruit, etc... you will be amazed!
Check out their Facebook page for more info: Honest Food

I bought a glass jar from SSF with only 3.90 bucks. I feel like very atas when using the jar. So decided to do some healthy smoothies, to fully make used of this pretty jar! It just looks like the cafe drinks, very instagrammable don't you think so hahaa!

Finally make some time out with my crime partner - Miichell. Always want to try the Cheese HotPot which Korea are very famous for. But in Penang here not much choices, the Tokyo Kitchen (Icon City) are one of them. This Cheese HotPot serves 2-4 person. Without ordering any other dishes and not having breakfast & lunch, we both can finish all. I can say this is pretty satisfying for cheese lover. But if you're not, it won't turn you down. Date your friend come along together, sharing double happiness! We went to Crumbles & Cream for some sweet tooth after that.

We went to Crumbles & Cream (at ground floor, Iconic Hotel Icon City) for some sweet tooth after that. There's always some room for dessert. There's always not much crowd in here during noon time. I like hanging out without too much people around, so you and your friends can chat and chillax, even having your own time taking as much photo as you like without feeling awkward.

The Alaska Bomb. A little burnt outside.
Inside this is the 3 scoop ice-cream, sweet with some bitter & alcoholic taste.

Last but not least, enjoy our vain photos below! Thank you my crime partner cum photographer - Miichell! Without her, I will not have so many pretty photos to show off haha... We really gone crazy keep snapping photos right down under hot sun in the afternoon, caused we want good photos!

End my post here. I have a fabulous and fulfilling February. Looking forward to enrich my March with plenty of contents. Either write something worth reading, or do something worth writing. Agree?!

Thank you for reading! Love <3 p="">Remember to check out my other channels as well, links at right box column.

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