
Flashback 2016

11:29 PM

My last update was in last year Feb 2016.
And now almost step into the third month of 2017. My Iphone keep showing "Not enough space". I can't even take a selfie. So now, I finally start scrolling & go through the photos in the album, to decide which photo to delete and which to keep.

Wah...huh...hmmm....keep or delete? I can't decide. I want every photos but I can't take a selfie. Keep or delete? So how I cannot.... so here I am.. Transferring all the phone's photos into hard disk and upload into my blog. My laptop broke down so I have to borrow my bro's for all this transferring and online update.

Omg, so long one...so many photos meh?! Realizing I have taken so many shots in 2016. "Eveything also want to snap sure not enough memory la!" Somebody saying. Nah I don't care cause scrolling all this little bits are what reminds me how far I had been through this whole year. So, now let's take a step back flashback my 2016. You ready?.....

1.) My family and I had finally move into a new house and we had celebrate the countdown and Chinese New Year for the first time in our new home. I am so grateful that my parent are so hardworking to make our life more easier and comfortable.

I didn't attend the best school in the city.
I didn't attend the better university in the state. I didn't get the best job in the country. But none of this matters because I had the best parents in the world and they made up for all these things. For all that our parents do for us, there's no way of repaying them. Though they do not expect anything but love from us, I still want to say that, "Thank you for everything, mom and dad."

2.) Been to few weddings, and among them one is my girlfriend's wedding and one is my BFF's engagement. A wedding is one of the most important moments in a person's life. I am so grateful and happy to witness this ceremony.

"For better and for worse, for richer and for poorer, in sickness and health, until death do us apart...." I wish that your feelings and words for each other would always be as genuine as at the moment of making a vow. Dears, may your married life be a magnificent journey of love.

3.) Who not love holidays and travelling?! I had finally made oversea trip to Boracay Philipines, which I always wanted. Other than this, I had finally visited the Time Capsule Hotel, located at Sungai Lembing in Pahang, which is already on list for a long time. Lastly, my soulmate had surprised me with a staycation in Villa Samathi, Kuala Lumpur on my birthday. 

All this moments and experience are priceless. I am even grateful that I had went to my favorite places with my soulmate. Thank you for everything. Cheers for more in future!

4.) Finally a trip with my BFF! Speaking of this, other than travelling locally, like finally we  successfully made our first trip to Singapore, which is the very first time for us travel / meet oversea. Although Singapore is so near, but at least we did it. And thank you my babes for the early birthday surprised, thank you!

Friends who travel together, stay together. Hope there will be more to come in future! Perhaps couple trip, maybe?

5.) 21st birthday celebration for my bro and 83rd birthday celebration for my grandma. Another year older, another year wiser. Birthdays come but once a year, but our wish for you is many more birthdays to come. Happy birthday, dears! May the coming year bring all you dream of and more.

6.) Last but not least, without forget what I love the most: taking OOTD pics and cafe hopping. Please enjoy my photos below...lol haha!

Sometimes it feels good to take a step back & recall what we actually gone through this whole year. Some memories are unforgettable, remaining ever vivid and heartwarming.. Recalling the happy moments by scrolling photos from the past is one of the best ways to make yourself happy. Photos are a great memory-prompt, and because we tend to take photos of happy occasions, they weight our memories to the good.

Anyhow, life will still goes on and moving forward is the thing we have to do. Keep the positive vibes, be happy and make the rest of your life the best of your life.

I will end this post at here.
This year target would be updating this blog space more frequently. Maybe I should update a more details / photos about my trips?? What do you think huh...

More photos at Instagram and Facebook @yvettefoo

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