
Day Trip to Hatyai, Thailand.

11:26 PM

Been thinking about my life nowadays is so boring. Everyday back to home, eat, surf internet, sleep and repeat. Or maybe overtime work till late night. That's it! So lazy to go out on weekend, cause everywhere people mountain people sea. Really salute those who still work part-time job. Actually everyone can do, just depends on yourself whether want to do or not. Part-time jobs really need more passion and interest to be continuous.

Had a simple conversation with my new colleagues sitting behind me. He work as a part-time photographer. I admire his attitude and energetic personality. Well, the simple conversation with him taught me quite a lot. Well, at least I finally realize, if you can't change your job then try to change the way you live. If you know me I am basically an introvert, every time I try to socialize with others, try to hang out with colleagues, try to open a topic and start conversation. Which I think this is pretty good, sometime maybe there's some gap which I quite hard to fit in but at least, even conversation can taught me a lot! Thank you!

I always like to say that I want to update my blog, edit videos, but I always failed. I need to change this "just saying" habits seriously. I think blogging or making videos is something that I like I assume?! It's not showing off but sharing. Maybe some of you may not think so...but whatever la. This can really help me remember a lot of things or events that happened. I always read back what I blogged about, is like I rewind those old times and memories which make me feel super satisfy. Haha, at least we had to make good use of the technology nowadays right?! Haha!

Anyway, I said I need to change my "just saying" habits. I am not just saying, so here come some update of my day trip to Hatyai, Thailand with my relatives. We went on Saturday early morning and back on Sunday evening. It is more like a relax trip. We visited some tourist sightseeing areas in Songkla: the sleeping Buddha, floating market, the beach and the night market (in front of Lee Garden Hotel). The weather is so hot! We also hunt some local Thai food to feed our tummy, which I recommend: the GaengSam steamfish, Tomyam Gong, coconut ice-cream, Mcd Samurai Pork Burger, super cheap DimSum, mango rice, grilled big prawn (@night market) & etc. Not forget to go some shopping of course at the morning & night market, and the Central Festival Mall.

We had a pleasant dinner at the Thailand border before we cross back the border to our country. This Water View Restaurant is located quite a distance away but the view is super good. There's really a lake and the restaurant is located around the lake. You can imagine how big it is, so it is impossible for the waiter to walk so far from the kitchen (which is at the other side of the lake!). So, your food is serve using speedboat! Very interesting experience! Food is good, view is breathtaking, the price is quite expensive but once in a blue moon, so doesn't matter. Very recommend this restaurant, if you don't know how please ask the local people. They known better.

We rented a 11 seated van, from Penang to Hatyai, round trip for 800 bucks which I think is reasonable, and the vehicle is very comfortable for a 3-4 hours journey trips like this. We stay at Lee Garden Hotel 2D1N which cost us 180 bucks 1 room. The rate is quite high already cause we booked late. That weekend was so fulfilling. It is a lot better than only lying in bed at home. It cost me around 170 bucks for accommodation and transport, 80 bucks for food. Go with friends in bunches can share a lot.

That's all for Hatyai Day Trip! Yay, at least I am not "just saying, I am updating! At least, I had made a little changes and hope I will maintain! Positive vibes! What you gonna do on weekend?! Mind sharing? Have a nice weekend everyone!

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