
The Sire Museum Restaurant @ King Street, Penang

6:20 PM
It was a dinner date with bosses and colleagues. I wasn't around my workplace when they discussed where should we have our pleasure dinner, ended up they agreed to dine in The Sire. I was surprise I was invited too, and I always wanted to try this restaurant out as they have many good reviews. More over, I got chance to eat whatever...




8:13 PM
I hope you guys not forget about me, and the existence of my blog. LOL hahaha! Cause I am not updating my life recently. Jobs getting tougher. You know it sucks when all the things come all over together over. I probably that type of person, who likes to completely complete one task before I shift to start another task. But there's always...



[Ads] Seeties Getaway Treat Campaign: Outdoors & Beautiful

8:05 PM
The most annoying and hardest question to answer in the world: "What we want to eat?! Where are we going to eat?!" "Don't know la... Cincai (whatever) la...'' Are you agree with me?! *nodding your head up and down* haha! As the technology evolving, owning a smartphone is so convenience. There's so much apps that recommend cafe/restaurants which can give you an idea...