
[Sponsored] Sector Focused Career Fair; Deciding on a career!

10:37 AM

There's a big happening last weekend at USM! As I am in the final year of my study in USM, I need to complete a 6 months internship program required in order to graduate. I intense to worry about finding the right company since I don't know much about the career field and how to choose the right career path. Yepss! Just in time, the Sector Focused Career Fair - Career Awareness initiative by TalentCorp is held in Dewan Utama Pelajar, USM from 5th-6th Oct! #SFCFUSM And also I am so lucky and grateful to be invited by Nuffnang to attend this event! *Yay!*

The Sector Focused Career Fair aims to educate public especially the university students on the choices of the career path and opportunity that available in the 11 sectors namely - Oil & Gas, Electronics & Electrical, IT, Telecommunication, Biotechnology, Finance, Accounting, Healthcare, Tourism, FMCG & Education. There are many companies participating in this career fair, setting up booths and exhibition at the fair!

Arrival at the event!

The crowd!

USM set a booth at the fair too!


Fitness Concept!


As a finance student, Alliance Bank is definitely one of our target!

Free useful booklet provided by Graduan!

PhotoBooth at Graduan booth...so yes pictures time!

 Sending resume and grabbing the golden opportunity!

There's also a ICQ (Industry Career Quiz) test where you have the chance to win Ipad and
movie tickets away by answering all the questions correctly in the shortest time frame!

My serious face when doing the quizzes. *why so serious?!*

Sheau Jeng also opt to try! 2 attempts per person.

Guen is trying the quiz too!

Sheaujeng is ranked at 10 by using 37seconds
to answer all the quiz correctly!

 Congrats! Very hard to be the top scorer so have a picture! Haha!

Career Talk given by En. Mohd Redzuan Mohd Sofian, the Senior Vice President of Business Eco System Division in IRDA about the Talent Landscape in Iskandar Malaysia. He is also sharing some info and tips to students about getting hired after graduation! There's also a Q&A session where students are encouraged to ask any questions they want to know and walk away with a powerbank given by the organizer! The interaction between speaker and audiences make the talk less boring!

 Guen, Sheau Jeng, and me at the career talk!

My +1 of the day! Thanks sheaujeng for the accompanion! *kisses*

 #SFCFUSM 2013

 Goodies bag, booklets and flyers which I received from the fair!

I have gained so much tips and info from this career fair #SFCFUSM organized by Talent Corp Msia! Don't worry if you missed this, because they will have career fair at other places soon! Do check out their facebook page for more info! SFCF facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/SectorFocusedCareerFairSFCF

Last but not least, sincerely thankyou to Nuffnang for the invitation! Hope my luck will keep on going and looking forward to attend more exciting events soon! :)

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