
All Season Place: Coffee Elements

3:16 PM

So this is just another food porn post again! Been wanted to try this cafe out so badly and finally I went with my drum team girls! *drum team rocks!* Coffee Elements has been trending few months already since they have their first outlet in All Season Place, Air Hitam. Located at the 1st floor, just in front of the lift you can easily spotted them! Some of you may never been to All Season Place, you may go to their second outlet in Gurney Paragon!

So its time for a small test! I bet all of students who study science stream take chemistry subject before! So what is the elements make up the coffee?! I am a science stream student before and now I am totally forgot what I had study! *oh em gee* Haha! The answer is the first photo below! Answer: C8H10N4O2! Very interesting don't you think so?! And they set up their wifi password with that answer! Haha!

As they named after coffee, I should try out their brewed coffee but ended up we didn't order any coffee. Lol?! *what we are doing?!* We are too hungry and we order the food instead of coffee that will make us can't fall sleep afterward. So...perhaps next time I will sure have a cup of coffee here! Pictures will do the talking...*drums rolling*

 Operating hours from early morning to midnight!

The big menu!
Its self-service at here, pay first and you get your food served.

They provide plant fertilizer from grounded coffee for free!!
So plant and brew coffee at home yourself!

Interior is full of super nice drawing!

Zoom in and get this: water is free so self-service!

 The big table! You can bring your laptop here to havediscussion session
with your friends or just sitting here slacking by yourself!

Here they used all omega eggs for bagel and english bloomer!
What is bagel and english bloomer?! See photos below lol.

There's free flow of bread when you order mushroom or pumpkin soup!

 Pumpkin soup (Recommend)
The texture is pretty rich and smooth!

English Bloomer:  Darling's Egg - double (Strongly Recommend)
Cheddar cheese, tomatoes and poached Omega egg!

English Bloomer: Quickie Ham - double (Strongly Recommend)
Pesto mayonnaise, chicken ham, cheddar cheese and tomatoes.

Bagel: Chocolate Maui Bagel (Recommend)
Banana with melted chocolate.

Bagel: Egg-In-Ham Bagel (Strongly Recommend)
Oven baked Omega egg in ham with coral veggie and mayonnaise.

For the bagel lover, you can really try this out. Their service is better and price is only slightly cheaper than Mugshot. And also strongly recommend to try their English Bloomers! Its a *BOMB!* Definitely the best choice for a poached egg lover like me! *I start to drools*

Okay I have to stop slacking and start to do a video of drum team that I promised to do for them! 24 hours per day is not enough! Okay have to log off now to tutorial class and then steamboat at night! Ciao! *waves*

P/S: If you worry about what others will say about you, then you will not end up anywhere in life cause whatever you do, people will talk.

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