
PhotoBomb: A lil photoshoot somewhere in Penang, the heritage corner!

12:42 AM

Just like the title of the blogpost. This is a PHOTOBOMB blogpost!  *what?!*
Cause I have just lack of time to update (N years I didn't write essay and I need few days to draft also edit photos! *lol*) We had photoshoot like 3 years ago flash back! You can check it out here! Our twinnie shoot here! Its pretty awesome :) And so, here's the photos we took on Fridays! Upload first to ease the "Hunger of My Readers" HAHAHA! (do you like how I describe haha!) I like all the photos of Beau & Tiffany! All of their photos which I help them took are so preeeeeeetttyyyy! But mine one was *urgh* I can't even choose any proper one! Not photographer problem, model problem my face problem! *tearing up*

Theme: Vintage / Old School.
Model: Beau, Tiffany, Yvette (yours truly)
Places: Somewhere in the Penang, the little heritage corner!

Never forget to include some photos behind the scene! What's important in a photoshooting session?! A model who is good in posing and also a technical photographer. Also, checking photos and interact to enhance the communication between the two parties. HAHAHA! *like an essay*

Lastly, my look of the day!
Top & Bottom: Forever 21
Shoes: New Arrival from Te Chi Chi!

I love my look of that day! Looking vintage especially the flower prints on the dress. Even match with my new baby pink shoes but my new shoes get dirty so easily. I bought my top and bottom like 1 or 2 years before but I seldom wear them. Just never think that I can still mix and match them! YAY!

Okay! Wait my next post! Drafting and soon publishing! Support me ya *blow kisses* :)
P/S: You got your own style, now let it come through. No matter what, you got to be you.

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