Xmas Eve 2012!

1:31 AM

Merry Christmas everybodeh!
Parties, dinner with roasted turkey, barbeque, song singing, gift exchange session, etc...
Have a joyful and warm christmas, and dont forget to make a wish! I love wishes! Haha!
This year I'm only hide at home, not going out not going to squeeze with bunch of people and cars everywhere! Its better than in hostel. I havent touch even one page of textbooks! My xmas wish will be getting a good grade for exam, if without the need to study is the best! *evil laugh* Although I know its so impossible to get good grade if never study hard. Nuuu...

Actually I plan to do a review on my new baby camera Sony NEX-F3. But when I am writing about it, I realize I'm still not so into it, means I not really know how to function it well and even know every single use of it. So until then I will try my best to found the amazing part of it, then I'll share! Its now a hit among girls! Best part would be the self-capture! #girlsbeinggirls

Then today will be the post of celebration the end of the semester! *scream*
Thanks mummy for cooking the-most-yummilicious-steamboat-in-the-world for us! LIKES!



All the hungarians craving for foods!

Have a group picture first before eat!

But can't wait to eat, the second photo! Haha!

Not forget to cheers!

End of the 5th semester. Will start the 6th semester soon. New semester. New year. New life. Bad lucks go away please! After xmas will back to revision. Study hard for final! Will then update lesser and freeze my blog so I can focus on books. Take care everyone. All the best! and do miss me. :)

P/S: 朋友的比喻:两个朋友都很饿,其中一个有一个馒头,他可以有三种态度:自己吃掉馒头,和朋友一人一半分,把馒头全部给朋友;假定他把馒头全部给了朋友,朋友也有三种态度:接过馒头吃掉,把馒头掰出一半还给朋友,宁可饿着让朋友吃。采取第一种态度的没有朋友,第二种有很好的朋友,第三种有终生朋友。

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