Famine 30; USM Eng Campus DIY Camp

12:07 AM

Last weekend, I went to Famine 30 DIY Camp which organized by one society of USM Eng Campus. Have you heard about Famine 30 before?Last year because of others' societies activities, so I didnt have any time and manage to attend.This year I promised to join many kind of activities, a committee or member, even an audience.
Famine 30, 30-hours famine! Have you experienced 30hours of starvation/fasting before? For those who say "Yes", proud of you. For those "No", you're blessed.

The 30-Hour Famine is a global movement against hunger and poverty. Over the years, the 30-Hour Famine has gained a reputation as one of the biggest and most fun fundraising event in the world particularly among youths and young adults. By going without solid food for 30 hours, you can bring change to the lives of those impacted by hunger and poverty. You can give them access to improved health care, a better quality of life and most importantly, HOPE for a brighter tomorrow.
Through this camp, you will experience the living life in dire conditions through various famine challenges and activities. At the end of fasting period, all participants will break-fast together at the DIY Camp or in the 30-Hour Famine centralised Countdown event!
Its really an awesome chance if you want to see Lee Hom! and of course others artists. Its a win-win situation, you help those and you can watch and countdown with Lee Hom!Feel like joining?! Wait for next year, and promised yourself it will really enough to join even once in a life time because its worth!
Visit 30-Hours Famine , or like their facebook page to know more about them!

Here started my last weekend! Pictures speak louder than words!
Forget the slogan for this year, "Hunger No More!" Powerful huh?! :D
Pictures taken by my blackberry, sorry for bad quality.

Arrived Dewan Utama Eng Campus at the early morning!
Green shirt for faci and committee, and blue for campers!
Its the place we had our activities, challenges, and sleep!
Freezing, no sunshine. If you got watch, or else you don't know the time.

Leona and Jeng! Much more friends joining more fun for sure!
But many of the participants like to put aeroplane even they had paid.

And me!

Wear S size only. Super BIG in size.

3 of us!

Everyone got only one Soya to survive fore 2 days! and water la actually.

Can't believed Soya are so so so important to us right now!

Can't believe even I got money I also can't manage to buy a Soya!
Didn't sleep well, puffy eyes...sorry ya!

First Famine Challenges! We won among 4 teams for blue team.
140 marks for 2 Soya!!! Oh too great. Unbelievable. Fight for soya.
Finally meet some friends from HBP! They're awesome! Nice to meet you!

Sleep with hunger, and in sleeping bags. Tough days!

Group 5. Won 1 Soya for winning the 3rd runner up for challenges.

Then finish. Not winning anymore. Can't fight too long with hunger.

Drawings. One of the challenges.

Our painting. Lol.

Love words for those children! Show some love for them!

And here's mine!
Counting down for break-fast! Seem like minus how many kg already.

Lighting session! Meaningful! Can't wait for the photo outcomes!

Tpc, Tpc's gf, Jeng, Leona! Finally its break-fast! after 30 hours.

Only a bread and a soya. But why it tastes so AWESOME?!

With Nelson! Thinking want to be faci like him next year!

That's all. Nice memories and experiences. How do you feel?
Next year I'm going to participants in the countdown event in KL, I want!
Waiting Joyce to come and find me to take red belt and black shoes for drum performance, and I want to sleep already! Everyday practice squash, superb tired! Because the coach keep said I'm the bad hitter, and he scolded me....I'm the one who get only one mark for 6 chances time to hit! One chances should get 10 times hits. I think I will be the reason of my team members to cause them lose...kinda sad...fine.

P/S: 营里其中一个游戏的一个部分 就是小孩A要带他家的鸡去农场生蛋赚钱 而我就是那只鸡。除了生蛋赚钱 还要斗鸡 赢的会得到钱。但是钱是赚到了 可是灾难来了。全部鸡能逃的就逃 被抓的会被抓去卖。灾难来临之前没有预告 突然我被灾难抓住了 我拼命反抗 我要找我的主人孩子 可是灾难又抓住孩子 不让他去救鸡保护鸡。主人孩子和鸡拼命反抗 誓死的要在一起。灾难更加多人了 几十个FACI拼命的将他们誓死的要拆散。我佩服自己 竟然能用没吃东西所剩的力死抓住孩子不放 抓着手 抱着腰 甚至被拉倒 眼镜甩掉 趴在地上 还抓着孩子的脚。还好孩子也没有想过放弃我 因为买回一只鸡要浪费钱啊。最后灾难过了 孩子和鸡被护送到安全区。全场的营员都吓到 这个鸡这个孩子 为什么玩到这么认真 甚至受伤 只是一个游戏。只有我自己知道 原来你被逼要活生生的 和你想要在一起和应该在一的人的分开 你就会誓死的抓住 因为你知道如果你现在不抓得更紧 两个人就不会有以后了 甚至会失去更多。当然如果那时孩子和鸡放弃的话 也不会有鸡帮他生蛋斗鸡赚钱了 鸡就会被送去菜市场卖了。结果到后面的几个回合 没有人再敢找那只鸡斗了 因为那只鸡太强了 很好笑哈哈。我只是佩服我自己 不过现在讲什么都太迟。所以要抓住你想要的东西 一放手遇见灾难就什么都完了。加油!晚安。

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