
Homemade Breakfast for Sunday!

9:45 PM

A sudden urge slipped into my mind last Sunday, I felt like want to try to homemade morning breakfast for my family! When my idea kicks in then I will just do it and make it happen haha! Then without thinking twice, I went to hypermarket to buy all the ingredients... while I am preparing I am thinking that why don't I take some video of it! Although my computer edit skills are not professional and I speak broken English too, instead of taking photos upload in blog with captions and descriptions along, why don't I just make a cooking process video with instructions along and that will make everyone easier to refer! And this is also a bit different than what usually I blog about last time, consider more interesting and got improved right?! Hehe...

My version of Homemade Breakfast! Breakfast included: bacon, green pepper with egg, egg in toast, fried wedges and mushrooms as side dishes. Ingredients: Streaky bacon, green pepper, eggs, bread, potatoes, mushrooms, tomatoes, hotdog, butter, cheese, pepper and oregano for seasoning. But some of the ingredients are optional, you can choose base on your preferences. Lastly, how can you forget orange juice?! Morning breakfast x orange juice is the best combo ever! And here's is my outcome!

My version of homemade breakfast!

Hope you guys enjoy my video.  And of course, do expect more videos coming up so stay tuned! So, what you waiting for?! Go and try it out yourself! Let your creative juices flow :) THANK YOU FOR WATCHING! xoxo

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  1. Replies
    1. you also got cook and better than me leh haha! ok la wait one day i cook for u haha :D

  2. weeeeee. finally a video of how to cook this! imma annoy my friend to do it for me haha

    1. hahaha... very easy only haha.. thank you for watching! ;D

  3. Your video very helpful! Thank's.

    1. I hope it helps you! and thank you for watching! :D
