
Babes Reunion 2014; What "best friends" means to me.

9:52 PM

GOSH! This is a "totally expired overdue post" lol! But whatever la, I still want to update here, keep a copy of the story content and show you guys our super pretty and handsome photos!! HAHAHA.... Portraits all captured using my Iphone 5s! No you just can't believe I am using only 5s camera, not using any camera apps to snap (except the last photo in this post), the outcomes were all amazing! Share along my tips: while using Iphone 5s, never use the original / none effect, but choose to use the Chrome effect which can produce better food / portraits photo outcomes with more vivid color!! Someone taught me that effect on my last birthday haha!! So, do try out the effect I assure you will love it like I do!

This can considered as one of our generation's culture, reunion during cny season! As it is too hard for all of us meet while normal days throughout a year, so this is definitely a chance to catch up with each other! But every year there must be someone not able to attend, it's always a regret but I believe no matter how far our distance we knew we will always be friends, true friends, best friends to each other.

I always confused with the phrase: best friends. What is best friends? Who is your best friends? Do you have best friends? Honestly, I don't have much friends. I am not an easy and outgoing person. I hate socializing. I am that type of person who is not going to talk to you unless you talk to me first. Everyone that I don't know equal a stranger for me. I don' talk to stranger. Even if I talk, I will never talk over 10 mins with them. Sometimes, I admire those who can easily get along with others. They can start any conversation topics with a person who just meet not more than 10 mins. They can talk anything up to skies down to earth, anything. Then you will see them non-stop "Hi-Bye" to their friends while walking to class. You know, networking is crucial in this century. If you can talk then you win. I was a failure in this kind of social network. I can't talk. I can't start any topics other than just introduce myself with a person I don't know. "Wtf is in your mouth why you don't want open your mouth and speak?!" Hahahaha! I am a weirdo I agree. One of the reason is maybe I am shy to talk. Add up many more reasons too. I was thinking to improve, but I just couldn't. Maybe I should take it slow. But there's come a totally different story after I am more closer to you. I think everyone is almost same like I do, only your best friends know how crazy are you. Agree no?!

While everyone have their own "best friends" meaning, here is what I think of the phrase "best friends" means to me. Best friends are someone very special in your life. You all may have went to the same schools and gone through a lot of things together. While gather together, you all probably will talk seriously on nonsense or nothing meaningful. Then you all probably will do something stupid that people think we're high and crazy, laugh uncontrollably till cry/stomachache. Someone you hate then probably your friends don't like them too *high-five* haha! Best friends will keep poking and criticize you in front of you but you won't angry and taking it as jokes, because you know they never stab at your back (If your best friends never criticize in front of you, then sadly they aren't your bff.) They will know what you gonna talk just before you finish your sentences. You can do yourself in front of them. You can easily start a topic with each other, and will not feel uncomfortable getting together. (If you're feeling like hard to start to talk & pretend close to each other then you should know what status it is.) Best friends will be a great listener if you need someone to talk, they cheer you up and lend you shoulders. If you don't want to talk about an issue then they probably never ask, as all of your hearts linked, they believed you have the ability to handle/recover by yourself. You all do fight sometimes but able to withstand almost any fight though. You share the strongest possible kind of friendship with best friends. Unfortunately, you have to know that no friendship is perfect. You will mess up in every friendship. Those cannot withstand will only tagged as friends, and only the true one become best friends at last. Now, can you differentiate the differences?

I would like to introduce (again) my bff aka babes, actually I had already introduced them like in many blogposts before haha, but I wouldn't mind to introduce again! From left to right: Beau, Cavy, Sean, Joseph and Andrew. Absentees: YamYam and Mr. Khor. A total sum of eight members, not too big or too small group but "du du hor"! Enjoy our photos! :)

 Do you find out that we *miss out a photo combination of beau & andrew*?! Lol...

The differences between girl's & guys photos!
Girls will tend to stick / hugs / kisses together, while guys pretend cool haha!

Lastly, *craziness juices* overflow! Babes gone wild! Hahahaha!

Before develop into "best friends" level, you first have to be friends, real good friends and then it progress naturally. Ingredients such as trust, respect, forgive are essential to make every friendship sweet. Try to give more than receive. I got mine. And I wish everyone able to find your "best friends" too!

Have a great weekend with your best friends guys! :)

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