
My 2014 New Year's Resolution?!

8:40 PM

Happy New Year Everybody!!!
Hope you all had an awesome New Year Eve celebration to welcome the very first day of the 2014!  2013 was a wonderful year for me, a lot of memories which I will never ever forget about them. Somehow, I miss 2013 already. But we can't go back, time never wait anyone. We should let bygones be bygones and look forward and make this whole new year interesting!

First and foremost, I would like to thank each and everyone of you who read my blog. Your support means so much to me! Without y'all support I wouldn't had gone so far. Every new year seems like I am starting a whole new journey and many challenges are awaiting! Although setting new year's resolutions seems like too mainstream, as everyone is listing their new year goals to achieve for the year, yet I am also the same! Lol.

I think my previous year's resolutions are not clearly mentioned, not realistic to achieved maybe...and aiming too much goals will probably tend to accomplish some and forget some. Therefore, this year I have come up with few targets that are ambitious and realistic. If missions cannot accomplish then what for listing all the to-do-list in the beginning?! So, let's take it slow, which you can handle it well.

1.) Do well in my internship and build my future career path.
I am going to start my internship training on coming February after Chinese New Year. This would be my first job related to my degree studies, which is finance jobs in finance department in a MNC company. Although the company are not well-known in the industries but I think this training will definitely help me gain more experience related to work and building my career pathway in the future. I must do my best in this internship, as the grade of the training/subject counts in the overall CGPA too!

2.) Save money and plan to go traveling with friends!
I aim to save about 2000 bucks in this 6 months working time, and planning to travel with my uni-mates and friends! Maybe will take 2 months to go for holidays, then after that will definitely go back to working life. Yes, I have to start rely everything on my own, since I have the abilities to work. I have to start using my abilities to earn and live with it. No more asking parent's sponsorship. I plan to at least visit a country, like HongKong, Macau, Bangkok, Vietnam, Singapore, Taiwan, Krabi, Pattaya... anywhere where I can afford the costs.

3.) Update my life on Dayre every single day, and my blog!
I am planning to update my blog twice a week in this whole new year, as working life are really not same with student life, and don't have much me-time to do my personal things. If I can't make it twice, then must at least minimum once in a week. And I will sure update my other social media platforms, Instagram @yvettefoo and Twitter @yvette_foo. Do follow me!

If you don't know, I have own a Dayre account which I will consistently update my every-single-day-life at there. Download Dayre apps, visit and follow me @yvettefoo if you would like to read it! (Web link: dayre.me/yvettefoo)

4.) Post more #ootd photos and create more lookbook of mine!
I always have something in fashion. In this year, I hope to try more different outfits and styles. I am not daring to be an inspiration for others but dressing up would always be my hobby. Mix-match clothes are pretty fun to me. Maybe I should start making myself look a little bit different as I always get most comments of "cute" every time I posted the photos of mine. Maybe I should sometime make myself look sexy? elegant? cool? Lol. I want to create a lookbook of myself, print it out as a log book for myself, as a reference a memory a story to review in the future.

5.) Control my emotion, being more mature, socialize more, be positive and tough!
I have a really bad and hot temper. I always throw tantrum, and show my emotional side when I am angry. I am an impulse person who always is the one who start all the fights. My target would be control my emotion especially anger every time in every situation. I have come up some ways to slowdown my anger, like inhale and exhale with deep breath, cool down myself a few minutes before I started to speak, and telling the person what I am actually want to say about, and to communicate properly. And I hope those ways would help me! I am officially a working adult, and I have to be more mature in thinking and actions. Besides, I have to be more positive in thinking, as you all know I always have negative minded. I have to start looking at the bride sight, to have a positive mindset towards relationship, academic, career and everything. On the other hand, I think I have to start learning how to socialize, seems like in the working world, socializing and networking are very important. At last, there will be many down times in future and I have to be tough and hold it on! I promised I will mend my ways, and someday I will have completely reformation and make all of you proud.

Those would be my five main goals for this brand new year! Although I have more wishes that I hope can come true this year but listing them all out will maybe too boring to read....  I don't think you all are interesting to know how many kg I want to cut down and what I wanted to buy in this year lol haha! But one things that must archive is to make myself happy, and to be grateful of what I have... and I hope there are many peaceful days ahead and everyone can live happily ever after. All the best for this brand new year everyone!

P/S: Here on Earth, we live once and die once. So, whatever you're doing, do it like you're only gonna do it once.

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