
Goodbye 2013, Hello 2014!

8:43 PM

Today, 31st December 2013, the last day of the year 2013. This last morning of 2013 was my first paper of my last final exam in university life, and also the toughest paper among all subject through out 4 years. *quite meaningful hor?!* And I was planned to write this post weeks ago but no time, I have to study....and now I am going to post about while I am taking a break after the exam, and before 2013 going to end!

I was scrolling through my old blog entries and I found out I blogged the most this year compared to previous years. Everything passed so fast, just like yesterday I welcomed the year 2013 and in a blink of eyes, here comes the last day of 2013 and we all are welcoming 2014!

This post pretty much sum up for my 2013! And a brand new year 2014, I have to start new resolutions!

1.) I started to take #ootd shots and create my lookbook.
I always have somethings in fashion, clothes, bags, shoes, accessories etc. Not calling myself a fashionista, I just want to try some outfits that suits me best and also in trend. There's so much fashion bloggers out there inspired me! But I am not tall, I am not slim and I don't have enough money! *main point is no money haha* But somehow, mix-match clothes are pretty fun for me. You no need to buy new expensive designers pieces to get a look. Dress up in a way that makes you comfortable. *dress up!* When you look good, you feel good too.

Visit my lookbook blogposts at here and everyday ootd posts at here.

2.) I got sponsored.
One thing I would never thought that I could receiving sponsors. Penang's blogosphere aren't as big as KayElle, not much exclusive events, meeting not much new friends (as I am new), and not much readers support. But I sincerely thanks to everyone who reads my entries and view my page. Although my daily page views are not over hundreds but I will keep on writing keep my fire burning!

I started to blog since I was 15. But I usually updated once in a blue moon. And recently because of long term school holidays and less burden of school works (final year quite relax haha), I blogged quite hard haha! I feel really lucky that my time and effort I put into blogging has been paid off! I started making a little money from blogging. Thanks to Nuffnang who gave me the opportunity I thought I would never get, not much but I appreciate. Hope more exciting events to attend, and meet new friends as my close friends knew I am really bad in socializing.

I don't thinks myself are special and nothing makes my blog interesting. I used broken english, broken chinese sometimes haha! I don't share my blog everywhere cause I don't want to spam other's timeline (I don't want people hate me lol). I am a casual-blogger, not someone-recognized, not famous, not seeing myself superior than others. I think one of my dream will be being once a ''Featured Blogger of The Month" in Nuffnang! But the day seems very far to me....but nevermind, target first achieve later.

Got my first contact lenses sponsored from GlassesOnline. And also my first time won a blog's giveaway, from BoboStephanie. SFCF career fair, invited by Nuffang. I can still clearly remembered the scene when Nuffnang first call me for the invitation. I surprised! Then, I got clothing sponsored from @Starlighshop15. Thanks for giving me the opportunities! Somehow, my mum still not encourage me to blog this way. But I hope one day she will understand.

Read more of my sponsored posts at here.

3.) Ads
I do also provide my blog as a platform helping to blog advertisement for anything, such as spread the campaign news, share the knowledge, advertising for shops and restaurants' deals! As long as it's no harm, we can share to everyone!
[Ads] blogposts at here. Anything can contact me via email: yvettefoo@live.com

4.) 4 person Bangkok Trip! with my cousins.
Finally I pay a visit to Bangkok after so many years. Bangkok change a lot! And I call it a shopping and eating paradise for girls! A very spontaneous trip with my cousins, last minute plan were always so exciting, although the flight tickets is quite expensive but whatever la... 4 days 3 night in Bangkok, you don't know how much places we visited how many things we did in that short time. I called it *rush hour* lol!

Read my Bangkok trip blogposts and my travel diary at here.

5.) My uni-mates, #tekungang, we have great time in last year of uni life!
My 4 years university life will not be so wonderful without them. I never thought that we will be so closed in just 4 years, and I cherish every minutes (only 10+ days till the end of the final exam) we spent. 4 years we staying in hostel together, there are so much laughters, tears, arguments and craziness. And there comes the hard times we had to burn mid night oil rushing assignments and fighting hard for midterms and exams. And one things we all in common is we love eating! And also we are not clubbing kaki. Haha!

Let me introduce to all of you: The one who always talks infront, beside and behind me - SheauJeng, Jocelyn and Wantheng. Although you may not always be with us, but you are also part of us - Guen and YuetYing. And last, Ho Xiao Yen, I counted you as one too although you're in tekun only one semester with us. Thanks for making my university life wonderful and I hope our friendship will keep on going!

Read more about my university life at here.

Oh, forget to mention about our photoshooting in usm! Will blog about it too very soon, after I process all the photos okay! Words without photos is not meaningful enough! So, keep calm and stay tuned!

6.) How can you don't eat?! I blog pretty much on food porn too!

Besides study sleep and shopping, all I do is eat! Yesh, and I blog pretty much on food too! Although my english is not good and I don't used bombastic language to describe and write a professional review with different angle shots of the cafes and food, the price and the environment, but I did put effort on sharing how the food was. And I almost write about the cafes and restaurants which I think is pretty nice to visit and recommended. So much local cafes coming up, and money is so scarce! Besides, eating can help to release stress too! Not telling you to eat until obese, a right proportion is important and sharing is a must between friends so you can eat more food!

Read more foodporn posts at here.

7.) The 3 important things in my life: family, friends, relatives.
The irreplaceable people in my life. You will surely see most of them in my social media platform if you're following me. I got the most awesome family! I got babe BFFs to die for! And I got a bunch of same-age-same-taste cousins! What can I ask for more?! I love all of them! No matter what, we will be together, although far in distance but not in heart. We will have our relationship and friendship forever...no...even longer than that! I heart you all!

Read more of our stories at here, here, here.

8.) My last performance for drum team!
Kung Fu Night performance at the start of year 2013 was my last performance for drum team. I miss every moment of it! I met so much new friends there and I like all of them! And I also established a strong bond with drums! All people knew I have the passion for music and I play piano. And I always have something for drums, whether it is 24 seasons drums of western drums. Anyhow, there's nothing impossible. A 150cm 40kg little girls play drums. And I can carried a drum on shoulder, old drum la of course (new drum can carry also la but not on shoulder lol). Too bad, all the photos are in my iphone which had been stolen! But, all the memories that I have with Drum Team will always be in my mind! I never regret to be a part of it. USM Drum Team rocks!

Read more about the performances at here.

9.) And I cooked!
When holiday strikes, I always be a couch potato lying on sofa watch my tvs and dramas. Till my mum shouted me, and recently she always ask me to cook! And you guess what, I found out I actually like to cook! First was the USM international week which I had a chance to learn to cook spanish dishes with my professor. And I found out I actually had talent in it and it sparks my interest lol.

10.) I finally sit for a International Spanish exam!
I have gone to level 3 in Spanish and I hope to get to level 4 but because lack of students taking this rare and not popular language, so there no class open for level 4 student. But I get to sit for the International Spanish test in KayElle and I pass! Although it is just an elementary level but I am now got certificates that prove me I can speak in Spanish! Why take Spanish?! It is the world second largest language after english! Mandarin language gradually become important nowadays, and more and more people speaking! So, maybe mandarin will become the largest language one day replace english haha!

11.) Emo and sad moments.
There's always have painful moments behind all smile and happiness. There are so much ups in the year and not forget I have downs sometimes. And one that really broke my heart is my Iphone 5 got stolen in university. No, you don't know how sad I am until you lost you own phone have all of you things inside, everything lost in just an hour. Iphone stolen full case at here.
I think no one want to read my emo posts but its here if you want to haha!

10.) First bouquet of flower in my life.

This really surprised me! And it makes my day! Although it's not 99 roses, but I appreciated it. Don't know what should I say, what can I do, how much I want to thank you.... I am bad tempered person, I have really hot tempered when something not going with what I expected. I will throw a tantrum or keep silence turn my face dark. I am an impulse person. I am sorry if I offend anyone of you. I sincerely apologize. I knew I am so immature, acting like a child. But I am being more mature now, not to say became better in just a day but in time, I will behave well and being more mature in thinking and in action. I promised I will mend my ways, someday I will have completely reformation and make you proud.

I guess here's the end of this post. If still want to write my new resolution for 2014, I think this post will be "ridiculously" long, and will be too boring to read. Last but not least, wish everyone have a great new year ahead! :)
"Happy New Year!"

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