
Iphone stolen in university hostel!

11:20 AM

This was the most terrible things happened to me in university, in the last year of my uni life. My heart bleeds yet because of my Iphone had been stolen, which is consider new, in hostel room. Then I choose to blog about my incident at here, which you may think "hey just a phone, and you're rich you get FAMA sponsor, you can buy after you have earn enough, just not a big matter compare those others people who just lost their family members in tragedy...blablabla" What really hurt me not just my phone is missing/stolen, but what disappointing me is I thought I could get help from the school authority but ended up nothing changes.

My case is....last Wednesday night I was complimentary to attend a compulsory exam of a courses, which the exam hall is just a pedestrian bridge walking distance from my hostel. So I choose to walk to exam, and left my phone in my room because the place didn't have locker outside the exam hall and I thought one hour will be fine. So I left my room at 8.15pm with my door locked, and my keys in my pocket. I started my exam at 8.30pm and finish at 9.30pm. I walk back my room with my roommates, and I opened my locked door with my keys inside my pocket. And I enter my room just like I always did and first thing I always do is get my phone to check message or miss calls. Then I realized my phone is missing at the place where I put. Phone is just impossible to change the places themselves from  where I put that I remembered. So I get help from friends and used their phone to call my phone number. My phone number is connected, but no one picking up and I heard no sound in my room. Then I send a message to my phone "My phone is missing please return me..." Then when I call my phone number second time, the number cannot reach already, meaning that someone already turn off my phone. I was so nervous, sad and getting mad and angry. What is happened to me?! My phone just got stolen! Someone enter my room but my room was confirm locked when I went out and I came back I used my key to unlocked the door! I started to knocked my neighborhood door and told them did they realize anyone coming or suspects...everyone answers were always don't know. Then I have to report to police inside my university, and after that they came to snapped some photos of my rooms and said have to wait till the next morning they start to work and pass to the criminal department. And my hostel penggawa came and asked us about how my cases going too...I did ask her can we spot check rooms because I cant wait anymore, I bet is the people stay near my room stole it. She said she would also like to but have to wait the authority do according the procedure! I was so sad and I cant do anything...I cant sleep deep whole night and next day I hope there's someone came and start to investigate my case but none and I have to went home to suspend my line and need a phone so that I can call and I am waiting for internship company for calling me...Then I came back hostel and whole weekend I am hopeless...I thought that my phone is gone cant find back anymore until.......

Then because still having a mid term exam on coming Tuesday I study at hostel. On Monday afternoon, after I ate my lunch at canteen and after I went toilet, my roommate went toilet and left me alone at room study. It was a quiet afternoon, and I am concentrate on my book studying. And suddenly I heard beeping sound....very slightly and very soft then I realized something and I quickly sign in to my account, I found my Iphone online. In just in few seconds it turns offline, meaning someone turn on my phone and the alert beep, and quickly turn off wireless connection or turn off my phone. I was so curious...and I quickly open my door ask for my roommate help and friends meanwhile ensure those residents stay near me didnt step out their rooms. And my friends get to call the authority and hostel incharge to come...I thought there will be a spot check of rooms then I may be probably get my phone back! But what you guess?! I was wrong...I suspect the rooms which near me and the authority just ask the suspects few questions, call them take out their phones to ensure its not my phone and opened their doors wide but didnt go in and search and check clearly the rooms! Ended up release all of them without checking! I was so dissapointed, this is really a good time to get my phone back and probably now the thief will hide my phone elsewhere cause she already alert! I thought if I ask to spot check by myself I maybe will end up blaming wrong people and breach of privacy...and I get help from those who have power to hope that they will have more power to spot check but at last they didnt take any actions! So I was wronged! So wronged! I should spot check it myself. I trusted them wrongly. I was so dissapointed. Now I am really hopeless to get my phone back already.

There's so many laptop/phone/money stolen cases happened in usm hostel. But this time I think mine one is the biggest amount among all cases which total loses about RM7k included phones and money. The worst part is the thief have our room keys to open our room door and stole our personal belongings! The authority should really concern about this matter. Our case happened 3 weeks already, but the authority did nothing, there's no progress no one investigate this case and they said they will, but until now nothing. I am sure that I did hear my phone beeps and my iphone was online that time, so I am sure that's is my phone and the suspect/thief is just stay near my room! How come the suspect is so clear but the authority did nothing to them?! And the thief is still now staying in hostel, studying in USM and searching for another target, everyone could be the next victim! The thief's stealing action is morally wrong but she still never get caught and can graduate from university! Was this fair?! I thought I am lucky to be selected to study in USM, the Apex University...but in the last semester of my university life I was so dissapointed....This cases are really serious and damaged usm reputation...I hope the authority can really concern about the problem and take some actions.

From what I been thru, I suggest you if you have cases like me in future suspect anyone just go ahead and spot check, those authorities who have the power wont help you. Don't trust any of them. And thief, you will get karma one day. You know I know we know and the god knows!

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