
[Ads] A Cancer Outreach Campaign

2:59 AM

Just the end of my mid-term exams, and here comes the assignments due date! Homework never-end. Just like jobwork never-end too, huh?! But what's interesting this semester?! There's an assignment which require us to watch 5 movies and answer the questions given for respective movies and critique them. And I am incharge of a movie named "My sister's Keeper". Do you all know about this movie?

The Sister's Keeper is a story of Anna Fitzgerald, a "designer baby", who was genetically designed, conceived, and born to be a perfect genetic match for her older sister, Kate, who suffers from a rare childhood leukemia - Acute Promyelocytic Leukemia (APL), considered as a type of cancer.

The story was pretty touching, a very good movie I would say. But what I focus more on is the disease of Kate. Kate suffers from the illness since she were so young. Symptoms of the leukemia - fatigue, weakness, shortness of breath, easy bruising and bleeding, fever and infection, abdominal discomfort and etc. Kate cannot live happily like others child, where she stay was only hospital and her home. She has to always do body check-up, chemotherapy and surgery. Her family, especially her father and mother, work so hard to keep her alive because they love her so much.

I was pretty lucky. I am born with no medical disorders. I am a healthy baby when I was born. And I live happily just like other child, go to school play with friends and growing up. I am so grateful that I am healthy. You know, Kate may probably don't have the chance to grow up. Well after I watch the movie, I am now more appreciate what I had and what I am now. I would probably treasure and cherish the quality time with my family, friends and relatives. I am grateful that all of my family and friends are free from disease. We no need to worry about our expenditure, no need to suffer from pain and agony, no need to worry about losing someone we love so much. Yet, on the other side of the world, there are someone fighting so hard just to survive, someone starving just to pay the medical fees for their child, someone losing the person which they love so much! What can we help? Will you help? Yes of course you do!

Lion and Lion is currently working together with AXA AFFIN for a cancer outreach campaign. AXA AFFIN is working in collaboration with National Cancer Society Malaysia (NCSM) to support patients currently undergoing chemotherapy. They will be funding chemotherapy daycare usage on cancer patient for every blogger that links back to their 110CancerCare website (https://www.110cancercare.com/) in their efforts to care for cancer patients. Basically, writing a blogpost can help to spread cancer awareness. But it now can help those suffering from it in Malaysia! Writing a blogpost can now gets a cancer patient one-day funding for their daycare usage at NCSM Treatment Centre and will helping them through recovery, both financially and emotionally!

If any of you are interested in lending a hand too, just write a post revolving around cancer from whatver angle suits you best, whether it's informational, a story or just raising awareness. And at the end of that, add a line or two about AXA's campaign efforts, and a link to their 110 plan's website (https://www.110cancercare.com/). Once you have done you can inform Mr. Danial (danial.lissborg@lionandlion.com) and AXA will got another patient to sponsor!

So, I am now writing to hope that maybe I can do something to help them to live. My effort maybe very tiny, so I would also hope that who read this may also write a blogpost to help them! Sharing is caring. Thank you :)
P/S: The real secret of happiness is not what you have or receive. It's what you share and give.

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