
Gathers Cafe! (Butterworth); Chilling with my long lost friend again!

5:15 PM

Helloooo! I should stop lazying and start blogging and here I am!!! *ta-dah*
My laptop was almost died last few days...cause I couldn't start it up! like OH EM GEE! All my pictures inside my lappie and how I should do?! But luckily I can start it after let it rest for few days *relief* Am so lazy to bring it for service haha! *Next time* Now blog first!

I live at Penang Mainland. Penang Island got lots of nice cafes but why not mainland?! I am finding if there is any nice one and I am told that Butterworth actually have one recently! I think if you is on Instagram then you should know! *keep reading* Then I want to find someone go to test with me! Haha! No laaa...actually I want to meet up my long lost friend again! *I had so many long lost friends duh* She also a food-and-cafe hunter in KayElle! So we decided to go Gathers Cafe to chill and test out their super famous Birdy Style Affogato!

Gathers Cafe / Gathers Street
Tel: 04-3249657           Bussiness Hours: 12.30pm -11.00pm
Address: 155, Jalan Raja Uda, Pusat Perniagaan Raja Uda, 12300 Butterworth.
Gathers cafe/Gathers Street, and I think their name will meant to be a place for friends for gathering! YAY! I would said it have a nice and cozy environment suitable for chilling session at noon and night! Besides, although they don't have much choices in their menu, but I give my two *thumbs up* for their extra creativity on dessert and drinks! And this differentiate them from others!

Don't you think its so nice?!

 Birdy Style Affogato (Highly Recommend)
Vanilla Ice-cream, Espresso and Marshmellow.

I couldn't believe that Espresso and Vanilla can mix so well!
Add-on marshmellow is a bonus! So cute I gonna die haha!

Oreo Ice-Cream Waffle (Highly Recommend)
Personally love their waffle cause its *not same with others*!
I just don't know how to explain but really NICE!!!

Humble Beginning Mille Crepe
 They even selling HB Mille Crepe!

Grape Sparkling Drinks (Recommend)

This is was we two girls have for our afternoon!

Me and HuiLing! my long-lost friend!

 Hope our friendship still counting and keep in touch always!

My superb skinny tall & pretty friend HuiLing!

Dessert offered at Gathers cafe are not expensive at all! And no service charge and government tax!
Do check them out okay?! Next time I want to try their Mango Sorbet and Iced Lychee Lemon!
Thats all for today! What's coming up next?! High-Tea at Victoria Rossa!

P/S: I see myself as a crayon, I may not be your favorite color, but I know someday you will need me to complete your picture. :)

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