
New sem started!

1:02 AM

Finally. A brand new semester started after a long break!
Second year first semester, I am already a senior. LOL.
Did I looked exactly my age? Like a senior? No right?!
Why got freshie keep asking me about the route in usm?!
I am willing to help, but quite sad cause I looked not like a junior! :(

I keep saying I am worried last few posts, but now I am okay.
First week was over, so do the all register thingy. Pheww...
Economics as my minor. Teach in malay, books in english! Lol.
I love econs the most in F6, and my econs teachers! They influenced me.
Got to study hard! So that I got faces go back visit SK.Wong next time. :D
Spanish as my option. Unable register French because timetable clashed.
I swear I will take French after I finish the 2 level of spanish. I want learn!
Got to study hard again! It's not easy to learn especially the grammar.
Small spanish class, I got a spanish name. "Hola! Me llamo Vanesa."
But still feel my french name, "Yvette" suit me more! Right?! :(
Major make me headache the most. Unable to make decision.
Got to do more research on it. And now just put aside, no idea.

Next week is convo week. NO BUSES! Got to walk to school!
URGH!!! Hate it max! I think I will lost my fair skin very soon. :'(
I will try to update more, hope I got time. Take care everyone! <3

P/S: Not statisfied. Start feeling not enough. I become more greedy now. How dare do I think of that?! Got to distance myself, control my feelings. You know where you stand, yvettefoo!

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